Working from home is not remote working and here is why.
With the Covid-19 pandemic, most of us work in isolation these days. For some this might be the first time of working from home, so I took my time to highlight the difference between working form home and remote work.
Nowadays both: working from home and remote working are popular trends. They both can benefit your team as well as business, especially when you consider the ability to add non- location bounded talent. There is a difference between remote working and working from home and here is why.
Remote working is a benefit to your company. Remote workers may work from many different parts of the world and they get hired for their irreplaceable ability to cover missing talent on your team. By including remote workers on your team you are adding a completely new approach into getting things done. Everything about the remote working environment is different to the regular, office setting.
Working from home is a temporary situation. It is what you do when you work in an office but stay home one day a week. You may save yourself a day without face-to-face meetings and spend that day working form your kitchen table, seeing it as a healthy change of scenery. Working form home is a solution for those who are employed in a physical location and take a break from the office to get a chunk of work done. For work, you will follow the structure set by your office, you will cooperate with other members of your team, who will simply adjust their schedule at your absence.
In an office environment different rules of communication apply. Team member’s cc themselves to emails and respond back to authority.
Remote working, otherwise: working away from a company structure, is fundamentally different. It demands different set of abilities, resources and skills. It requires you to poses a strong entrepreneurial spirit and good management skills. It is based on a proactive communication with people you work with remotely (in this case usually teams working in offices)
Remote working has its own rules. It doesn’t give you the safety of an office environment, it barely allows you to sit back and relax into the background of the ecosystem. Your work is result oriented and in all cases, sale driven. The faster you can deliver results, the faster you can move onto the next task. And of course, lets not forget to mention the elephant in the room. Remote workers are on the hunt for their own projects, so you need to sell your services in order to stay in business.
This, in my opinion is the main reason, which divides people into employees and freelancers. Many fear sales and prefer to rest on a regular salary, which is absolutely understandable.
With a forced global lockdown many office-based individuals can find a lot of wisdom in remote workers.
As a proud remote worker I created this place, with a hope to help you better transition into effective self-driven working strategy.
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