Resources and Online Learning in Architecture for students.
Online learning is quite a new concept in Architecture.
The Architectural Industry doesn’t seem to be the easiest to be taught online considering it’s traditional approach to teaching lab-based courses, and the importance of keeping the analogue experience alive.
It is however possible to teach Architecture Online and if you’re seeking more information about this please subscribe to my blog here, on Medium as well as read my other article: Online pedagogy: general advice for architecture tutors, scholars and mentors.
With COVID-19 all educational institutions were forced to move into online education and today I want to disclose to you some of the resources you might find when transitioning into online education.
Some of the resources you might encounter are:
· EBooks;
· Journals;
· Videos;
· Recorded lectures;
· Quizzes;
· Discussion forums
· Live Q&A sessions; and
· Interviews.
Here is a run down of how it looks to work with those resources in online education. These lessons are learned and extracted from institutions that already practice e-learning, even if not necessary limited to teaching Architecture. If you’d like to start your own e-learning course, find out how on my Facebook group, Architecture Masterclass.
The resources offered to you for learning online will depend on the institution, where you take your online program. Some online learning programs may require you to order physical textbooks in advance by in the mail, but these are generally being phased out in favor of eBooks and online-only methods of delivery.
For those institutions that have made the transition to using 100% online resources, students can expect to study using a combination of cutting-edge technological resources with no need to travel to attend lectures, exams or in-person discussion sessions!
Taking an online learning program, you’ll be an officially registered student at your institution and have access to the same resources as an on-campus student, like your institution’s digital library, learning management system (like Blackboard), student union membership and more! An online degree is similar to taking a degree program on campus, but you have the freedom to direct your own study schedule.
Your school and your course instructor will determine the format for each individual course and will select delivery methods that are best suited to your course or program. What a Biology major needs to learn successfully online will differ from what an Art History major needs!
Online learning may be a completely new experience for you. If you’re coming from a more traditional learning background, read on to discover how to make the most of the resources you may encounter in your online learning journey!
· eBooks, textbooks & journals
These written materials are essential resources in almost every course you’ll take when learning online.
Using the reading list for each course, or on the advice of your course instructor, you’ll need to dedicate the amount of time you need to reading and understanding the topics in the literature. The main advantage of using this medium (particularly eBooks) is the fact that they are completely portable, allowing you to study on the go from your computer, phone or tablet.
Pro tip:
When you’re researching a course or program, remember to check whether your textbooks are included in your tuition fees! You may have to pay extra for your textbooks, or they may be available as eBooks from your institution’s library.
· Recorded lectures
An essential way of absorbing a large amount of information in a relatively short amount of time, lectures are a staple of online and campus-based learning. With online learning, you can attend lectures from your bedroom!
Pro tip:
If you can, make notes throughout your lectures; this will make it easier to review for exams, and any assignments you’ll need to complete throughout your course.
· Interactive sessions
The greatest challenge an online education provider faces is how to replicate the face-to-face interaction and in-person discussions that on-campus institutions can easily provide.
The solution? Online degree programs often use a combination of discussion forums and interactive question-and-answer sessions to give you the interaction with other students and instructors you need.
Pro tip:
Before beginning an online discussion forum or interactive session, make sure you read the rules and requirements; some institutions may require you to create posts that have a minimum word count.
“For institutions using 100% online resources, students can expect to study using a combination of cutting-edge technological resources with no need to travel to attend lectures, exams or in-person discussion sessions.”
Learn how to create your own online class for architects by joining my Architecture Masterclass group on Facebook, where I share the steps you need to make it into a success.