How to combat stress when working in isolation?
With the spread of corona our daily life gets immediately affected. We have to adapt to working remotely and many of us may feel quite uneasy about it. The isolation and uncertainty can be very stressful.
In this article I will cover eight important points, which can help you better manage the few weeks ahead.
Stay flexible
Acknowledge the fact that in times of change, all that comes is change. We might fear change when we like to plan it ahead and set our mind towards certain results. However it is worth to remember that uncontrollable spontaneous change brings a lot of new opportunities, and this, currently, is a time of opportunity. By staying flexible you will stay open to opportunity and attract something fresh into your life. You never know how much this period can benefit your work. Not until you let this happen.
Stay connected with friends, family and most importantly other coworkers
In times of isolation people may find it harder to reach out to one another. They might struggle to know when is the right time to do so or just simply not want to bother one another. Staying in communication is crucial for our wellbeing and you can do that by setting up virtual lunches, teatimes or what Warren Buffet calls “pair calls”. Pair calls are when employees are at random paired up with other person in the company once a week to spend 20 minutes on a conversation about anything. These calls have no agenda. The sole purpose of it is for employees to get to know each other talking about their families, hobbies or favorite shows.
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Be conscious about your communication
When in isolation your contact with others stays limited. Written messages hold very low emotional charge and they can very easily be misread and misunderstood. When communicating with anyone always try to re-read your messages before you send them out. Make sure that whatever you write about conveys and reads the way you mean it. Put extra effort to analyze weather you are expressing yourself kindly and try to avoid making the recipient unnecessarily anxious. If you want to avoid being misinterpreted just pick up a phone and call them. It is very likely that others, who probably are also isolated will very much appreciate to hear your voice.
Do not exclude
Think of strategies, which you can utilize today to include everyone on your project in the process of remote work. Make sure that voices that are not normally loud enough also get heard can speak up and that people who have less dominant personalities will get tasks delegated. Be mindful of those who work from different time zones, if you have to hold a meeting, which falls at early, or late hours for some participants, you can skip the video. It is much easier to participate when not expected to be camera ready.
Schedule time for serendipitous moments
Good business often happens between the lines. Strong working relations are built on moments when people can interact with each other freely. Try to schedule time before or at the end of your meetings, to hold informal conversations with your colleagues.
Take breaks
Your state of mind is the most important thing you need to take special care of. Some of us will have no other choice but to isolate completely, which means no walks in nature and limited exposure to fresh air and movement. Being at home 24/7 might be very heavy and hard to deal with. Especially if most of this time you spend working long hours at the computer. Research shows that taking short breaks form the computer helps your mind stay calm and helps you relax.
Set up a ritual that closes your work day
It is really easy to overwork yourself ones you don’t have a physical office to go to. You might find yourself wanting to stay on your computer all day long. Don’t do that. Your general well-being is very important, as it’s a foundation of delivering high quality results. Your teams also will benefit from setting up a clear cut-off point from work. In time of isolation it’s extra important to keep healthy boundaries.
Exercise and meditate
Many of us rely on our daily schedule involving a gym or a yoga place into our routine. Now, with no access to such services we may stop to exercise. Movement may be hard when done from your home, but there are ways around it. One of the things you can do is weight lift. Studies show weight training boosts your mood more than cardio. You can also follow an exercise routine online, just look up online training of your favorite movement and integrate at least 20 minutes of it daily into your routine.
If you wish to share your experience of transitioning from office to work from home, ask a question or simply connect please do not hesitate to write me a message. You can connect with me via social media.